Monday, 24 February 2014

Ian is working as an app developer at SuperTech Solutions Ltd. He has been assigned the task to develop an app that allows the user to save the daily exercise details and view the calories burned during each exercise.

Problem Statement:
Ian is working as an app developer at SuperTech Solutions Ltd. He has been assigned the task to develop an app that allows the user to save the daily exercise details and view the calories burned during each exercise.
To accomplish the preceding requirements, Ian decides to create the following pages in the app:
Exercise Logs: Displays the list of exercises containing the name of exercise, date, duration, and calories burnt, as shown in the following figure.

In addition, the page contains controls on the App bar to add new details and view the summarized report of the calories burnt.
Exercise Details: This page allows a user to enter the exercise details. In addition, the page contains a control on the App bar to save the specified details in the app and another control to cancel the adding details action. The following figure shows the UI of this page.

Report: This page displays a control to select a date for which the report of calories burnt needs to be viewed. In addition, the page displays the details of exercises and the total calories burnt on the selected date. The following figure shows the UI of this page.

Ian has created the UI of the app. Help him to add the required functionalities.

To add functionalities to the ExerciseLogger app, Ian needs to perform the following tasks:

  1. Make the Exercise Details page functional.
  2. Make the Exercise Logs page functional.
  3. Make the Report page functional.
  4. Execute the app and verify the output.

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